The letters "CE" are the acronym of French phrase "Conformité Européene" which literally means "European Conformity". The term primarily used was "EC Mark" and it was formally replaced by "CE Marking" in the Directive 93/68/EEC in 1993. "CE Marking" is now used in all EU official documents.
CE Marking is most probably required if you export to the 27 European Union (EU) and 3 European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member states the following 20 groups of products -
A "Weighing Instrument" is defined as a measuring instrument serving to determine the mass of a body by using the action of gravity on that body. A weighing instrument may also serve to determine other mass-related magnitudes, quantities, parameters or characteristics. A "non-automatic weighing instrument" is defined as a weighing instrument requiring the intervention of an operator during weighing.
Do you really understand CE marking certification? Do you know which European directives and standards apply to your products? Do you know how to dramatically increase your product’s CE approval success rate? Will your CE marking strategy and tactics be different, if you fully understand the underlying CE marking principles?
If you don’t understand the principles of CE marking, you are inclined to rely on what your suppliers or customers tell you. And you want to trust that the certification route proposed by third party test laboratories or certification bodies is really in your best interest. But are you sure there isn't a faster or more cost effective solution? Do you feel you are driving your company’s CE marking project? Or do you feel you are taken for a ride?
Here is your opportunity to take control over your company’s CE marking projects. To get back in the driver seat, so to speak. You can learn exactly how the CE marking requirements affect your company’s products and business. You can take the strategies and tactics and use them to reduce CE certification costs and get results amazingly fast.